
Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

Makanan Anjing Bergizi

Ambil beras segenggam, cuci bersih dalam panci ukuran sedang didihkan hingga air kering
Jumlah air cukup 2 gelas (180 ml) biarkan diaduk-aduk
jangan lupa tambahkan garam, vetsin, penyedap lain, bawang putih dan bawang merah
Sambil dicampur dengan tulang ikan yang kecil (terutama ikan haruan/ ikan gabus – cukup kepalanya saja) yang sudah digoreng sebelumnya apalagi yang tidak dimakan karena gosong alias keiteman.
Kemudian campurkan sebutir telur ayam lalu nasi panas tadi dicampurkan masih dalam api sedang hingga agak liat dan kelihatan serat-serat telur sudah tercampur dan kalis
Setelah kelihatan matang, diliat dari tekstur nasi sudah menjadi beras walaupun masih kurang lembek benar cepat-cepat matikan kompor (karena kalo nggak dimatikan gas atau bbm cepet abis, bbm kan mahal tuh) lalu buatlah nasi panas tadi seperti pentol-pentol bakso cukup dengan menggerakkan panci saja tidak perlu pake tangan.
Jika berhasil membulat seperti pentol berarti masakan makanan anjing anda sudah pas,
segera berikan kepada anjing peliharaan saudara supaya cepat disantap selagi hangat. Eitss… tidak perlu dicobakan kepada manusia, karena terbukti anjing saya makannya lahap karena … makannya cuma sekali sehari ;)

Selasa, 28 September 2010

Hippocratic Oath

I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I fulfil according to my ability and judgement this oath and this covenant.

To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partnership with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art-if they desire to learn it-without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning of my sons and to the sons of him who instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to medical law, but to no one else.

I will use treatment to help the sick according to my ability and judgment, but never with a view to injury and wrongdoing. neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, not will I suggest such a course.

Similarly I will not give to a woman a pessary to cause an abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art. I will not use the knife, not even, verily, on sufferers from stone, but I will give place to such as are craftsmen therein.

To whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrongdoing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, slave or free.

And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men, if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets.

Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I transgress it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.

Jumat, 17 September 2010

Life's Channel!

Life is painting and you are the artist. 
You have on your palette all the colors in the spectrum, the same ones available to Michaelangelo and DaVinci. 
You can choose to use them all, or you can paint your entire life in dull battleship gray. 

Life is an adventure story, and you are the writer. 
You have the same twenty-six letters in the alphabet, the same ones used by Shelley, Milton, and Shakespeare. 
You have it all! Use it to its full potential!

-Paul J. Meyer

Sabtu, 04 September 2010

Security in Wisdom

Get Wisdom, get understanding.
Do not forsake wisdom and she will protect you.
Love her, and she will watch over you.
Esteem her, and she will exalt you.
Embrace her, and she will honor you. 
She will set a garland of grace on your head,
and present you with a crown of splendour.
Wisdom is supreme; Therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding!

Caries (Gigi Berlubang)

Caries Definition
Tooth caries is pathological process of local destruction in the tooth tissue which is caused by microorganism. Caries is infectious disease,  pathological process in the hard tissue of tooth which happened bacuse of multifactor interactions in the mouth, and is signed by loses of mineral ions chronically and continuously on the email crown though root surfaces. This process is stimulated by certain flora bacteria and its products. The beginning lesion will only seen microscopic, but later it will be seen clearly in the email as White Spot lesion or like soft cementum. The next step of this White Spot is the improvement that can add the amount of stain and will be browish.  This shift will be increased with coffee or tea consumption. If it is continous, cavity will be formed, and later pulp damage will be irreversible. 

Here is few bacteria which cause caries and change sugar into acid:
1.      Streptococcus Mutans à The most dangerous one
2.      Lactobacillus Acidophilus
3.      Steptococcus Sanguish
4.      Streptococcus Salivarius
These bacteria could be seen microscopicly in saliva. Food with sucrose is the fastest food which transform into acid where can be found in soft drinks and meals. The sucrose can reduce the value of pH that makes caries process faster. 

Caries Prevention
The primary goal of a caries prevention program should be to reduce the numbers of cariogenis bacteria. Prevention should start with a consideration of the overall resistance of the patient to infection by the cariogenic bacteria. Preventive treatment methods are designed to limit tooth demineralization caused by cariogenic bacteria, preventing cavitated lesions. These methods include:
1.      Limiting pathogen growth and metabolism and
2.      Increasing the resistance of the tooth surface to demineralization.
Caries-control methods are operative procedures used to stop the advance of individual lesions and to prevent the spread of pathogenic bacteria to other tooth surface, and in this sense, they are preventive procedures. Caries-control methods are most effective if all active, cavitated lesions can be treated in a short time, even in a single appoinment. New restorative treatment methods have rendered the distinction between preventive and control of rondering tooth surfaces more acid-resistant and in some circumstances may arrest active caries. Patient’s caries risk:
1. General Healt
It has a significant impact on overall caries risk. Every patient has an effective surveillance and destruction system for “foreign” bacteria. The effectiveness of a patient’s immunologic system depends on overall health status. Patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy treatment have significantly decreased immunocompetence and are at risk for increased caries. Medically compromised patients should be examined for changes in the following: plaque index, salivary flow, oral mucosa, gingiva, and teeth. Early signs of increased risk include increase plaque; puffy (bengkak), bleeding gingiva; dry mouth with red, glossy mucose; and demineralization of the teeth. Decreased saliva flow is common during acute and chronic system ilnesses and is responsible for the dramatic increase in plaque. The saliva should be tested for flow and buffering capacities when changes are detected from an oral examination.
2. Fluoride Exposure
Fluoride in trace amounts increases the resistance of tooth structure to demineralization and is a particularly important consideration for caries prevention. When fluoride is available during cycles of tooth demineralization, it is the major factor in reduced caries activity. It seems to be essential nutrient for humans that is required only in very small quantities. The availability of fluoride to reduce caries risk is primarily achieved by fluoridated community water systems, but also may occur from fluoride in the diet, toothpastes, mouthrinses, and profeissional topical applications. The optimal fluoride level for public water supplies is about 1 (0.7-1.2) part per million (ppm). The percentage of the U.S. population with public fluoridated community water system has increased from 62% (140 million) in 1999 to 66% (162 million) in 2000. Public water fluoridation has been one of the most successful public health measures instituted in the United States. Excessive fluoride exposure (≥10ppm) results in fluorosis, which is initially white but may become brownish discoloration of enamel, termed mottled enamel.
3. Immunization
Certain T and B cells in Peyer’s patches become sensitized to the new bacteria. The sensitized T and B cells migrate through the lympatic system to the bloodstream and eventually settle in glandular tissues, including the salivary glands in the oral cavity. There, these sensitized cells produce IgA class immunoglobulins that are secreted in the saliva. These IgA anti-bodies are capable of agglutination (clumping) of oral bacteria. It prevents adherence to the teeth and other oral structures, and the bacteria are more easily cleared from the mouth by swallowing. Appoint for patients with high concentrations of MS, agglutinating IgA may have an important anticaries effect. This immunologic occurence promotes the possibility of further vaccination against caries.
4. Salivary Functioning
Saliva is crucial in the prevention of caries. Although xerostomia may occur because of aging, it is more commonly a result of a medical condition or medication. Lack of saliva greatly increase the incidence of caries. Saliva stimulants (gums, paraffin waxes, or saliva subtitutes such as Sialogen or cevimeline [Evoxac] also may be prescribed for patients with impaired salivary functioning.
5. Antimicrobial Agents
A variety of antimicrobial agents also are available to help prevent caries. Fluoride has antimicrobial effects. Likewise, chlorhexidine use provides beneficial results. Chlorhexidine varnish enchances remineralization and decreases MS presence. Chlorhexidine is prescribed for home use at bedtime as a 30-second rinse. Clorhexidine may be used in combination with other preventive measures for high-risk patients. A popular mouthwash (Listerine; Proctor & Gambler; Cincinnati, Ohio) has been reported to be effective in plaque reduction when used specifically as directed.
6. Diet
Dietary sucrose has two important detrimental effects on plaque:
a.    Frequent ingestion of foods containing sucrose provides a stronger potential for colonization by MS, enchancing the caries potential of the plaque.
b.   Mature plaque exposed frequently to sucrose rapidly metabolizes it into organic acids, resulting in a profound and prolonged decline in plaque pH.
Caries activity is most strongly stimulated by the frequency, rather than the quantity, of sucrose ingested.
7. Oral Hygiene
Plaque-free tooth surfaces do not decay! Daily removal of plaque dental by dental flossing, tooth brushing, and rinsing is the best measure for preventing caries and periodontal disease.Pits and fissures are not accesible to toothbrush bristles of the small diameter of their orifices, and these areas are highly suspectible to caries.Obturation of pits and fissures by sealants is a highly effective method for caries prevention. Mechanical plaque removal by brushing and flossing has the advantage of not eliminating the normal oral flora. The oral flora on the teeth of patients with good plaque control has a high percentage of S. Sanguis or S. Mitis and is much less cariogenic than older, mature plaque communities, which have significantly higher percentage of MS. Rigid oral hygiene programs should be prescribed only to high-risk persons with evidence of active disease. Plaque removal in high-risk patients should be done frequently. Adults with a low caries experience probably require flossing, brushing, and rinsing only once a day, and the best time for this is in the evening before going to bed.
8. Xylitol Gums
Xylitol is a natural five-carbon sugar obtained from birch trees. It keeps sucrose molecule from binding with MS. MS cannot ferment (metabolize) xylitol. Xylitol reduces MS by altering their metabolic pathways and enchances remineralization and helps arrest dentinal caries. It is usually recommended that a patient chew a piece of xylitol for 5 to 30 minutes after eating or snacking. Chewing any sugar-free gum after meals reduces the acidogenicity of plaque because chewing stimulates salivary flow, which improves the buffering of the pH drop that occurs after eating. Reduction in caries rates are greater, howerver, when xylitol is used as the sugar subtite.
9. Pit-and-Fissure Sealants
Although fluoride treatments are most effective in preventing smooth-surface caries, they are less effective in preventing pit-and-fissures caries. Although occlusal surfaces account for only 12.5% of all tooth surfaces, they account for much of the caries in school-age children. Sealants have three important preventive effects:
1.      Sealants mechanically fill pits and fissures with an acid-resistant resin
2.      Because the pits and fissures are filled, sealants deny MS and other cariogenic organisms their preferred habitat.
3.      Sealants render the pits and fissures easier to clean by toothbrushing and mastication.
If more children received sealants, caries prevelance would be reduced. Sealants have been shown to be effective, to have long-term retention, to cause regression of active lesions, and to be superior to amalgam restoration in terms of time requirements. Material of this sealant are unfilled resin and GIC. This sealant is important to prohibit demineralization. The negative effect of sealant is the existence of stain (noda), but it can be cleaned.
The status of a patient’s existing restorations may have an important bearing on the outcome of preventive measures and caries treatment. Restoration defects, such as overhangs, open proximal contacts, and defective contours, contribute to plaque formation and retention. These defects should be corrected, usually by replacement of the defective restoration. Detection of secondary caries can be difficult around old restorations. Discoloration of the enamel adjacent to a restoration suggests secondary caries. Because metallic restorations are radiopaque, the radiolucency of secondary caries may be masked. The placement of a restoration into a cavitated carious tooth does not cure the carious process. Strict preventive measures for caries are not necesarry for all patients. Only caries-active patients and patients at high risk (who most likely would benefit from preventive measures) should be treated with comprehensive regimens. Preventive treatment is based on reducing the pathogen population size and increasing the resistance of the tooth to cariogenic attack. The cariogenicity of plaque can be controlled by denying the food supply, denying the habitat, using antimicrobial therapy, and stopping succession. The most successful preventive treatment regimen combines all of these treatments in a spesific program designed for an individual that considers caries and periodontal disease. 

Reference : Studervant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry. 5th Ed. The Mosby Inc. St. Louis, 2006.

Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

The A-to-E-Team

    I would like to present my favorite FIFA 2010 Team. I choose these five FIFA team because they are my favorite. So, if you want to make yours for the rest like F for France, G for Germany, H for Honduras, I for Italy, J for Japan, K for Korea, etc. that's up to you!

The A-Team, Argentina
       The Argentina national football team is the national association football team of Argentina and is controlled by the Argentine Football Association (AFA). Argentina has won the most international titles by any national team (19), a record shared with Uruguay. Argentina is one of the most successful national football teams in the world, and is currently seventh in the FIFA world rankings. The team has twice won the FIFA World Cup, in 1978 and 1986. Argentina has won the Copa América 14 times, a record shared with Uruguay, won the Confederations Cup in 1992 and the Olympic Football Tournament in 2004 and 2008. Argentina and France are the only national teams which have won the three most important men's titles recognized by FIFA: the World Cup, the Confederations Cup, and the Olympic tournament. They have both also won their respective continental championship (Copa América for Argentina, and UEFA European Football Championship for France).

The B-Team, Brazil

            The Brazil national football team represents Brazil in international Association football and is controlled by the Brazilian Football Confederation. They are the most successful national football team in the history of the World Cup, with five championships. They are the only team to won the championship in four different continents; once in Europe (1958 Sweden), once in South America (1962 Chile), twice in North America (1970 Mexico and 1994 USA) and once in Asia (2002 S. Korea-Japan). A common quip about football is: "Os ingleses o inventaram, os brasileiros o aperfeiçoaram" ("The English invented it, the Brazilians perfected it"). Currently ranked first by FIFA, Brazil is consistently amongst the strongest football nations by Elo Ratings, and has also been marked as one of the most competitive teams of each decade since the 1960s. Brazil is the only national team to have played in every World Cup.

The C-Team, Coast d ivoire

  It is the only african team for me. The Côte d'Ivoire National Football Team, nicknamed Les Éléphants ("The Elephants" in French), represents Côte d'Ivoire (commonly known as "Ivory Coast" in English) in international football and is controlled by the Fédération Ivoirienne de Football. Until 2005, their greatest accomplishment was winning the 1992 African Cup of Nations against Ghana on penalties at the Stade Leopold Senghor in Dakar, Senegal. They have qualified for two World Cups, first in Germany in 2006, losing to Argentina and the Netherlands and beating Serbia and Montenegro as they failed to progress beyond the group stage. They qualified again for South Africa in 2010 and did not get through the group stage again.

The D-Team, Dutch

    The Dutch national football team is the national football team of the Netherlands and is controlled by the Royal Netherlands Football Association (KNVB). It won Euro '88 and reached two consecutive World Cup finals in 1974 and 1978, but lost both finals to their respective host nations, West Germany and Argentina. At the peak of its success in the 1970s, the team was famous for its mastery of Total Football and was nicknamed Clockwork Orange for its precision passing. In the Netherlands the team is colloquially referred to as Oranje (orange). It is currently ranked fourth in the FIFA World Rankings and third in the World Football Elo Ratings.

The E-Team, England

       The England national football team represents England in international association football and is controlled by the Football Association, the governing body for football in England. England is the joint oldest national football team in the world, alongside Scotland, whom they played in the world's first international football match in 1872. Although most national football teams represent a sovereign state, England is one of the United Kingdom's Home Nations. This means that it is permitted by FIFA statutes to maintain its own national side that competes in all major professional tournaments,[1] with the exception of the Olympic Games. England's home ground is Wembley Stadium in London and their head coach is Fabio Capello. England are one of seven national teams to have won the FIFA World Cup, which they did in 1966 when they hosted the finals. They defeated West Germany 4–2 in extra time in the final. Since then their best performance at a World Cup was a fourth place finish in 1990. They reached the semifinals of the UEFA European Championship in 1968 and 1996. They were the most successful of the Home Nations in the British Home Championship with 54 wins (including 20 shared wins) before the competition was suspended in 1984. They remain a prominent team on the global stage, rarely dropping outside of the top ten on both the FIFA and Elo rankings. The traditional rivals of England are Scotland; the England and Scotland football rivalry began when they became opponents in the representative matches of the 1870s. Rivalries with other national teams have become more prominent since regular fixtures against Scotland came to an end in the late 1980s. Matches against Argentina and Germany have produced particularly eventful encounters.

Senin, 28 Juni 2010


       HUMMER?  It's not a "martil", it is a brand of a truck. It used to be a truck for military, but nowadays it is marketed already for public. This car (instead of truck) is big, firm, strong, & powerful. I like the body of this car. One day, they will be my collections! AMIN. Models:

High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HUM-VEE).
Humvee is the first hummer and is a military hummer, it was originally buitl by AM General Corporation.

The first vehicle in the Hummer Range, was the Hummer H1 based on the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (Hum-Vee). This vehicle was designed by American Motors' AM General subsidiary for the U.S. Military.

Along with the Hummer 1, The Hummer 2 was made based on smaller civilian-market vehicles. The were two models: H2 SUV & H2 SUT.

 The H3 was the smallest of the Hummer models and is based on the GMT355 Platform shared with the Chevrolet Colorado and GMC Canyon compact pick up trucks.

It is a limo in Hummer version. The interior is designed by orders.

Customized H2(H6)
A stretched Hummer H2 was customized with six wheels and marketed as a H6.

It is still in concept, it is an open-air, two-door off-road vehicle, smaller than any other Hummer.