
Jumat, 25 Juni 2010

The Connections

     Like Nokia's quote, "connecting people!", Our relationships are precious, valuable treasures, and we should handle them carefully, always looking for ways to build bridges to each other's hearts. I know that all of us desire to come up higher and one way we can take a step towards the next level is in our love for one another.

     Love should not remain the same year after year; love is supposed to grow. Relationships evolve over time, people change over time, and our love should strengthen and grow over time too. Our love would abound and grow in knowledge and depth of insight. That tells me that I cannot put my love on autopilot. If we put our love on autopilot and think that the people in our lives will simply "know" that we love them, our relationships will not grow or be as fruitful as they were intended to be. That's why it's so important to make every effort to keep strong connections in our relationships.

     Sometimes when someone hurts or offends us, we can be tempted to disconnect. But one of the most common mistakes people make in relationships is to give the other person the silent treatment in an effort to pull back.

     At one time or another, we have all faced the temptation to disconnect by giving someone the silent treatment. I think that is not the best way to handle a disagreement. Scripture encourages, "Don't let the sun go down on your anger." It's not good to go to sleep mad and frustrated, because you'll wake up with that same anger and frustration you went to bed with—and you probably won't sleep very well anyway. You may not have the resolution to the disagreement by the time the evening comes, but if you will learn that you can disagree and still be friends, you will enjoy your relationships a whole lot more. At a time, when you are still mad at each other at bedtime, right before go to sleep, simply say to him, "I am right, you are wrong, and I love you. Good night."

Sometimes you have just to agree to disagree. One of the most freeing experiences is to recognize that you are different people who see things differently, and you can still love each other and stay connected. Just because you have a disagreement with your friends or family members does not mean there are not plenty of other areas on which you see eye to eye. It just means you have a difference of opinion. Having the same heart and the same goal is what maintains a good connection. There will be times when we do not agree on every decision or subject, but we should always believe in one another, support one another, and move forward through life together. Connect your life!

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